Time lapse back in operation

The daily time lapse movie is operational once again.   From May 26th to Dec 25th it was not working correctly.  Since the images are available for those dates at some point I hope to generate movies for all those dates.   At some point I would also love to change the movie format to non-flash so it’s compatible with more devices.

Here’s the time lapse from today http://www.boulderflatironcam.com/archive_and_timelapse.php?nextday=20120105&&type=TimeLapse

Leave a comment if you like the videos or would like to see something changed.

One comment on “Time lapse back in operation
  1. Robert says:

    I love the time lapse video. It almost looks like different seasons…four seasons in one day as the song goes. Your camera work is much appreciated and makes me homesick! Keep up the great work.
